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Lesson #1: Aggregate Function

Fungsi agregat hanya dapat muncul di SELECT statement, COMPUTE/ COMPUTE BY dan HAVING Clause.

Contoh Fungsi agregat :

  1. AVG
  2. SUM
  3. MIN
  4. MAX
  5. COUNT
  7. VAR
Fungsi agregat biasanya tidak mempedulikan NULL namun pada waktu tertentu dapat mengsilkan result yang tak terduga, oleh karena itu gunakan fungsi ISNULL untuk menggantikan nilai NULL menjadi 0.

SELECT AVG (ISNULL([kolom yang akan di-aveg], 0)) AS '[nama kolom]' FROM [table]

Perbedaan Count(kolom) dengan Count(*) adalah Count (kolom) akan menghitung seluruh records dengan mengacuhkan yang bernilai NULL sehingga lebih tepat digunakan Count(*) untuk dapat mendapat menghitung records dengan tepat


Task 1: Create and execute a query to generate a report that lists the
average order quantity and sum of line total for each product with a
line total that exceeds $1000000.00, and with average quantity less
than 3
•  Create a query that returns the ProductID, average OrderQty and total of
•  Use a GROUP BY to ensure the averages are computed for the correct column
•  Use a HAVING clause to restrict the query to run for cases where the total an
averages of LineTotal and OrderQty respectively are in the proper ranges.
•  Don’t be afraid to use functions in the HAVING clause.
•  Execute the query and review the results.

select ProductID, avg (OrderQty) as 'Order Qty', SUM(LineTotal)as 'Line Total'  from Sales.SalesOrderDetail
 group by CUBE (ProductID)
 having SUM (LineTotal) >= 1000000 and AVG (OrderQty) <= 3

Task 2: Create and execute a query to group the products and then
compute the sum of the quantity shelf-wise
•  Create a query that returns the ProductID Shelf and total Quantity for a group
of products.
•  Use a GROUP BY with the ROLLUP operator to calculate the columns in a
specific order.
•  Execute the query and review the results.

SELECT ProductID, Shelf, SUM(Quantity) AS 'QtySum'
FROM Production.ProductInventory

Task 3: Create and execute a query to generate a summary report
•  Create a query that summarizes sales information from the
SalesOrderDetail table using the CUBE operator.
•  Sum the number of orders.
•  Specify the CUBE operator with the correct columns from the table (orders are
related to products and the id of the SalesOrderDetail row.
•  Execute the query and review the results.

SELECT SalesOrderID, ProductID,
SUM(OrderQty) AS SumQuantity
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
GROUP BY CUBE(SalesOrderID, ProductID)
ORDER BY SalesOrderID, ProductID 

Task 4: Distinguish the rows generated by the summary or
aggregations and actual table rows
•  Create a query that summarizes sales quotas and total YTD sales from the
SalesPerson table using the CUBE operator.
•  Use the GROUPING operator in tandem with the CUBE operator to indicate
the column not being aggregated.
•  Sum the SalesYTD column.
•  Execute the query and review the results.

SELECT SalesQuota, SUM(SalesYTD) 'TotalSalesYTD',
GROUPING(SalesQuota) AS 'Grouping'
FROM sales.SalesPerson
GROUP BY CUBE(SalesQuota) 


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